Current Grantees
The Hoffberger Foundation is continuing to fund the following organizations for their services to support Baltimore residents as they seek to improve their economic mobility and address the mental health and trauma of children and youth:
Workforce Development/Economic Mobility
- Caroline Friess Center
- CASH Campaign of Maryland
- Center for Urban Families (CFUF)
- Family League of Baltimore
- Job Opportunities Task Force (JOTF)
- Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service (MVLS)
- Turnaround Tuesday (TAT)
Children’s Mental Health and Trauma
- Ballet After Dark (BAD)
- Baltimore City Intergenerational Initiative for Trauma and Youth (BCIITY)
- KEYS Empowers (KEYS)
- Pro Bono Counseling
- TurnAround, Inc.
Sector Support
Past Grantees
Workforce Development/Economic Mobility
Children's Mental Health and Trauma
- Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital (MWPH)
- Roca (Baltimore)